Visitor Count : 22175

Policies & Committee


Attendance is compulsory for all students on all days. In case the student is unable to attend school for a particular reason, procedure given below is to be followed:-

85% attendance is compulsory. In case the percentage criteria are not met by the student, promotion to next class will be at the discretion of management.

A student must obtain permission from the Principal in writing before leave can be availed.

A student may take medical leave for a period determined by the doctor who must be a Registered Medical Practitioner. It should be noted carefully that a certificate from an unrecognized medical person will not be accepted. If a parent finds the child unwell in the morning of a school day, the parent may refrain from sending the child to school.

All children are expected to attend school on the opening day after every vacation and must be present before closing for the vacation. Those absent because of sickness must submit a medical certificate before joining the class.

A child suffering from any infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from a doctor before resuming back to school.

Continuous absence in the new session for the first one week without any prior information would result in striking o the child's name from the rolls.

A child may be permitted to attend a special course, training programme, tournament or competition or any approved activity after due consideration.

If a child has to leave school during the day for any emergency, prior permission has to be taken and the application has to be sanctioned by the Principal. The child will be allowed to leave the school only with the parent.

Half day leave is not permitted.

Disciplinary Measures

Graphitians are expected to conduct themselves as a refined person at all times and in all places. Politeness, proper manners and etiquette is the hallmark of a refined person. Whole hearted cooperation of parents is expected in the character formation of their wards. School has adopted following discipline measures:

Oral warning & counselling for first time indiscipline.

Written warning at the time of repetitive misconduct.

Suspension for two to five days in case of severe misconduct.

Withdrawal of bus facility for misbehaviour in the school bus (Parents will be responsible for picking them up and dropping them to school)

The Principal will have the right to withhold the character certificate of any student whose conduct is not keeping with the rules laid down by the school.

Orange Card: An Orange card will be issued to the student(s) who will be guilty of missing classes, shows impunctuality, constantly interrupting the teaching process and indulging in rude and unacceptable behaviour in class. The student will report to the class Teacher for detection during break. If any student issued with two Orange Cards in a session then will be issued with Red Card which shows seriousness of misconduct & indiscipline in school.

A Red card holder student will be refrained to avail of any privileges in the school during the period stipulated on the card. The student will not be allowed to attend any programme, picnics or outings.

Code of Conduct

Students should bring the Almanac to school every day.

The students should affix his/her photograph and fill in the required information, Duly Signed by the parent in the space provided for in the Almanac.

It is compulsory for all students to attend the morning assembly. Students should reach school before the first bell rings. Coming late to school is punishable offence. Late comers must bring an application from their parents otherwise they will be sent back home. Attendance on the last day of the school before vacation is absolutely essential.

It is obligatory for all students to attend every class as per the timetable.

No child shall leave the school premises during school hours without the prior permission of the principal. While changing class rooms or venues between periods students must move in a line towards left hand side and observe complete silence. When using stair cases and corridors, all students must keep to the left, students should also refrain from running in the corridors.

Care must be taken of school property and no student should scratch, spoil or cause damage in any way to any item belonging to their school. Damage to school property will have to be paid for by the concerned student. The students are not expected to fiddle with the apparatus in the labs.

Late comes, uniform defaulters, fee defaulters and children who do not do their homework regularly will be sent home after two warnings.

Graphite School students should observe standards wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judge by them. Bullying language is prohibited and punishable as per school rules.

No half day leave will be granted to any student. However, relaxation will be given only to sick students on the days of the test/ exam. Where in the child may be allowed to go home on a written request from the parents, which must be deposited with the class teacher by 8:00 a.m.

Disciplinary action will be taken against students found using unfair means during examinations which may result in expulsion from the school, students are required to expulsion to behave politely. They should not use indecent language or indulge in fights and quarrels with others.

The following practices are strictly forbidden.


Disfigure/Damage school property

Use of Violence in any form

Use of Mobile Phones

Boys are not permitted to keep long hair.

Girl students are not allowed to wear fancy jewellery, nail polish, fancy clips etc. They have to wear either a navy-blue ribbon or a simple navy-blue hair band.

In disciplined behaviour in the school bus will result in the student being debarred from using the same.

Any objectionable conduct outside the school will make the student liable for disciplinary action. Every student should take care of his/her personal belongings.

No student is allowed to bring any kind of crackers in the school premises. The fact that the student has been dismissed from the school on disciplinary grounds shall be so mentioned on the transfer certificate.

Students are not permitted to commute by motorbikes. Without Licence & helmet no one will be permitted to come inside the school. No other vehicle is allowed in the school. School authorities will not be responsible for any theft of the same.

In order to acquire a good command of the English language which is the medium of instruction for all subjects, Children should speak only in English in the school premises.

Guidelines For Parents And Guardiand

Parents should carry out their responsibilities as educator in instilling in their children respect and strict obedience for all school rules and regulations.

Students should always wear their School ID card.

Parents are requested to go through their wards school diary regularly and sign the teacher's remarks, if any.

PTM meetings should be regularly attended to discuss the performance and progress of the child.

Parents must check that the child carries books & note books according to time table.

Children should do their homework by themselves unless they require some guidance.

For the best result parents must motivate and support their child establish a proper study area. Home work must be given a priority in the daily schedule.

In case home work has not been completed by the due date then it should be communicated clearly to the class teacher with reason that why the work was not done.

Encourage your ward to read good books or play games, instead of viewing TV.

Parents are requested not to accompany their wards to the class rooms at arrival time. At dispersal time they should collect their wards from the school gate.

Parents are not permitted to meet teachers during school hours. In special cases, parents may be allowed to meet the teacher with prior permission from the principal/ academic in-charge.

Parents should ensure that their wards do not bring any objectionable books, magazine, picture or any other material that may violate the disciplinary norms of the school. Otherwise the same will be destroyed in the presence of the student.

Parents are also requested to ensure that their wards do not bring gift except to offer for distribution on birthdays. Students from class VI onwards should be in school uniform even on their birthday.

Parents are requested to refrain from sending lunch boxes/ notebook of their wards during school hours.

Parents are requested to send their ward in neat and clean or proper size uniform. Students should not wear faded, over-size or small-size uniform.

Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in address/ Tel. numbers.

Please do not give mobile phone to your child. If student is found carrying a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and a heavy fine will be imposed.

The facility of internet is required to monitor the usage of this wonderful technology by your ward so that he/she does not misuse the internet access. It is advisable to route your child's E-mail through your account and share their password. Also, keep the computer in a central family location, not in the child's room. The usage of computer should be a family activity.

Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.

Criticism of a teacher of the school in presence of a child must be scrupulously avoided as it causes students to lose respect for their teacher with the consequent failure to learn from her, thus retarding the child's progress.

Refrain from giving regular pocket money to your ward. Encourage healthy breakfast and give home cooked food in your wards tiffin and regulate their sleeping hours to at least 8 hours a day.

Parents should acknowledge the circular sent from school in the column provided in the Almanac.

Parents should use the "Leave Record" form in the diary when applying for leave or explaining the absence of their children.

Outline Framework for School Coordinators:

S.No Category Academic Coordinator Activity Coordinators Examination Coordinators Administrative Coordinators ERP & Website Coordinator
1 Main Coordinators Mr. Manoj Kumar Richhariya Ms Afreen Qureshi Mr. Neeta Bhansali Ms. Manorama Sharma Ms Vartika Rai
2 9th to 12th Block Coordinator Ms Keerti Khapre Ms Raj Priya Ms.Ankita Sharma Mr. Milan Shukla Ms Nutan Rai
3 6th To 8th Block Coordinator Ms Shalini jain Ms. Seema Garg Ms Manisha Shrivastava Ms.Preeti Sharma Ms Nutan Rai
4 Main Primary Coordinator /HM Ms. Neha Dubey Ms. NehaDubey Ms. Neha Dubey - Ms. NehaDubey
5 3rd to 5th Block Coordinator Ms. Anshu Shrivastava Ms. Anshu Shrivastava Ms. Rohini Raut - Ms Kamini Malviya
6 Class 1 to 2 Or Class Nur to 2nd Coordinator Ms. Ankita Banerjee Priyanka Diwedi Ms.Kamini Malviya - Ms Kamini Malviya
7. PP1 to PP3 Block Coordinator Ms. Ankita Banerjee Ms.Priya Tripathi Ms.Chinky Kaur - Ms Kamini Malviya

Subject wise HODs

S.No. Subject Name of HOD
1 English Ms. Raj Priya
2 Hindi Ms. Kunda Landge
3 Mathematics Mr. Manoj Kumar Richhariya
4 Science Ms. Afreen Qureshi
5 Social Science Ms. Keerti Khapre
6 Commerce Ms. Neeta Bhansali
7 IT/AI Ms Vartika Rai
8 Sanskrit Mr. Praveen Sharma

School staff Roles and Responsibilities

S. N. Name of the staff member Category PGT/TGT/PRT/PPRT Area of Responsibility Coordinator/HOD Addl Responsibility shared Deptt-subject Class taken
1 Swati Rahatekar PRINCIPAL Head of school
2 Afreen Qureshi PGT HOD Science (VI to X) Cultural & CCA Incharge Science- Chemistry IX to XII
3 Ankita Sharma PGT Class Teacher of X-B Block Coordinator of Exam committee(IX to XII) Biology IX to XII
4 Kunda Landge PGT Class Teacher of IX-A , HOD- Hindi Discipline & Assembly In charge Class Teacher IX A Hindi VIII to XII
5 Manisha Shrivatava PGT Class teacher – XI B Block Coordinator of Exam committee(VI to VIII) Economics VIII to XII
6 Manoj Kumar Richhariya PGT Class teacher – XII-A Main Academic Coordinator –VI to XII, HOD Mathematics Mathematics X to XII
7 Neeta Bhansali PGT HOD- Commerce CBSE / Central Exam In charge Nodal In charge – Commerce, Business Studies/ Social Science X to XII
8 Seema Garg PGT Class teacher – XII-B&C Member of Cultural committee Accountancy VIII, IX,XI& XII
9 Shalini Jain PGT Class teacher – XI-A Block Coordinator VI to VIII, In charge of Science, Space Activities and Exploration Physics IX to XII
10 Vartika Rai PGT IT – Incharge ERP, Website & Social Media coordinator , Evaluation In Charge ICT & AI IX to XII
11 Raj Priya PGT Class teacher – X- C Block Activity Coordinator (IX to XII), HOD- English Monthly activities update, Nodal Incharge – English (VI to X) English X to XII
12 Chandrakala Mandloi TGT Class teacher – VIII- A Green House In charge, Member of Hindi Dept. Member of discipline committee, Hindi VI to VIII
13 Dr. Keerti Khapre TGT Class teacher – X- A SDG Club In charge, Block Academic Coordinator (IX to XII) History X & XII
14 Meenakshi Roy TGT Class teacher – VII- B Red House Incharge, Member of SDG & Eco Club Science VI to VIII
15 Manorama Sharma TGT - CBSE Correspondence School Monthly Update, OASIS, Principal Coordination work Hindi IX & X
16 Nitin Kumar TGT Class teacher – IX- B Member of Mathematics dept. Member of Exam dept. Mathematics IX & X
17 Praveen Sharma TGT - HOD Sanskrit,Member of sports committee, Tours & Excursion, theatrical committee Sanskrit VII to X
18 Sharda Batham TGT Class teacher – VII- A Blue House Incharge, Member of Math dept. Mathematics VI to VIII
19 Ranu Tiwari TGT Class teacher – IX- C Green House Incharge
Member of Language dept. & cultural committee
English VIII to X
20 Vikas Mishra TGT - Incharge of Music Dept.
Member of Assembly Committee
Music VI to X
21 Kavya Yadav TGT Class teacher – VII- C Yellow House In charge, Member of Math Dept., Cultural committee & Assembly committee Mathematics/ Science VII to IX
22 Sheikh Zubair TGT Class teacher – VIII- B Member of IT, Sports , tour & excursions, discipline and safety , security committee Social Science VI to IX
23 Anuj Saxena TGT Class teacher – VIII- C Member of Safety security committee, language lab, tours & excursions. English VII, VIII,IX & XI
25 Nirmal Yadav PTI HOD Sports NCC In charge, ANO, Discipline In charge PE X to XII
26 Vanita Upasni LIBRARIAN - In charge of Substitution committee, & Life Skills Life Skills, GK VI to XII
27 Pooja Dwivedi PRT Class Teacher of VI B Member of SDG & Eco club Science & Life Skills VI,VII,IX & X
28 Soma Panda PRT Class Teacher of VI A Member of Literary Committee English VI & VII
29 Nutan Rai PRT Class Teacher of VI C Coordination of ERP, Website & Social Media ICT and AI VI to IX
30 Hariom Arya TGT - Maintenance of Digital record(Photo/Videos of events I to V) Sanskrit VI & VII
30 Ramesh Jatav Art & Craft HOD Art & Craft - Member of safety security, discipline, tours & excursion, In charge of Art dept. Art & Craft VI toX
31 Ms. Preeti Kumari Admin Executive - Shiksha Portal , Admission Incharge, ERP, UDISE - -
32 Vineeta Raikwar Martial Art Coach Martial Art & Self Defense Classes Member of Discipline committee Martial Art VI to X
33 Sujata Joshi Counselor In charge of Counseling Dept. Member of Discipline committee Life Skills Nursery to XII
34 Vicky Malviya Chess Coach - Member of Discipline committee Chess I to IX
35 Bhojraj Malviya Accountant Finance - - -

Outline Framework for School Staff (Pre- Primary & Primary)

S. N. Name of the staff member Category PGT/TGT/PRT/PPRT Area of Responsibility Coordinator/HOD Addl Responsibility shared Deptt-subject Class taken
1 Neha Dubey HM Overall Academic & Activity responsibility of classes Nursery to V Website/Opinion/Social Media/School Magazine/Diary updates/ Activity English V
2 Anshu Shrivastava PRT Coordinator Primary & Pre - Primary Activity Coordinators, Nursery to V, Discipline Incharge (Primary) Hindi V
3 Deepika Verma PRT Class Teacher of V Class Incharge of Yellow House, Member of art & craft dept. EVS V
4 Divya Chauhan PRT Class Teacher of III Class Aerobics Classes , Assembly incharge I to V, Member of art & craft dept. Mathematics III
5 Shweta Singh Art & Craft Classes I to V Member of safety security, discipline, tours & excursion, Incharge Primary Art dept. Art & Craft I to V
6 Reena Parihar PRT Class Teacher of IV Class Library, Member of exam Committee, Math dept. Mathematics IV
7 Rohini Raut PRT Class Teacher of V Class Exam In charge of Nursery to V Mathematics V
8 Sakshi Sharma PRT Class Teacher of V Class Maintenance of Digital record(Photo/Videos of events I to V) English& ICT II, III & V
9 Shweta Shrivastava PRT Class Teacher of III Member of music & dance dept. EVS III
10 Seema Pal PRT Class Teacher of III Member of art & craft dept. Hindi I & III
11 DeeptiSaha PRT Mother Teacher of Class II Aerobics Class, Member of cultural committee (Primary wing) Eng, EVS & Math I
12 Aarti Singh PRT Mother Teacher of Class II Aerobics Class, Member of cultural committee (Primary wing) Eng, EVS & Math I
13 Kamini Malviya PRT IT in charge of I to V, class teacher of V D Coordination of ERP, Website & Social Media
Member of Timetable committee
Computers , Hindi I to V
14 Manisha Gupta PRT Mother Teacher of Class II Member of Math dept., cultural committee EVS & Math II
15 Ankita Banerjee PRT Class Teacher of IV Class Chyrsalis& cultural Co ordinator (I to III) English III & IV
16 Deepa Bamne PRT Mother Teacher of Class I Member of language club & cultural committee English, EVS, Mathematics I
17 Sunidhi Singh Activity Teacher Activity Teacher Incharge – Music dept. Primary wing Music, Hindi I to V
18 Neeta Chourey PPRT Mother Teacher Assembly Incharge (Nur to KG - II) All subjects KG II
19 PriyaTripathi PPRT Mother Teacher Member of cultural committee All subjects KG II
20 Priyanka Diwedi PPRT Mother Teacher - English, EVS, Mathematics I
21 Roopika Gupta PRT Mother Teacher - English, EVS, Mathematics I
22 Varsha Nagar PRT Class Teacher of IV Class Member of cultural & theatre committee Hindi IV
23 Sama Ali PPRT Mother Teacher Member of exam dept. All subjects Nursery
24 Neha Mewada PPRT Mother Teacher Member of cultural committee All subjects Nursery
25 Ragini Prasad PPRT Mother Teacher Member of cultural and art & craft committee All subjects Nursey
26 Chinky Kaur PPRT Mother Teacher Member of cultural committee All subjects KG-II
s27 Manisha Parmar PPRT Mother Teacher Minutes of Meeting (Nur to KG – II) All subjects KG – I
28 Seema Malviya PPRT Mother Teacher - All subjects KG – I
29 VandanaParmar PPRT Mother Teacher - All subjects KG – I
30 AartiBhalavi PTI Sports & Aerobics Teacher Discipline Incharge (Primary Wing) Sports I to V
31 Milan Shukla Transport cum Admin In Charge Transport & admin responsibility RTE - -